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Importing from .csv

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:30 am
by dsan1326
Paul - good morning, I have been working to import my commands from executor to TypeItIn.

I was able to read up on importing and used the sample cvs file as was recommended in the help file.

"The Import function also supports the Comma Separated Value (*.csv) file format. You can create a .csv file with Microsoft Excel that can be imported into TypeItIn to create a group of buttons based on Excel data. The easiest way to get this started is to first Export a group in the .csv file format and modifying the file with your Excel data."

However I ran into the following error: " is not a valid integer value.

I assumed, naturally, it was something in my syntax. However after several attempts I could not import my custom .csv.

So, I made a go of imported the sample exported .cvs, changing the Group name. I received the same error, above.

What might be being done incorrectly?
not valid.PNG
not valid.PNG (5.86 KiB) Viewed 13564 times

Re: Importing from .csv

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:47 pm
by Wavget
The csv file import can be a little difficult to use because of the many different parameters.

I recommend that you export a group with just a few buttons to a csv file. Make sure you check all the include boxes in the Group Export Options dialog. You can then use that file as a template.

The file will contain something like this:

TypeItIn Group File
Group Name,Test Group
Number of Buttons,2
Monitor Application,
Monitor Window,
Number of Columns,1
Window Location X,0
Window Location Y,0
Name,Hint,Text Color,Button Color,Shortcut Key,Shortcut Phrase,Window Watch,Text

The last two lines contain the information for the two buttons in this group. You can replace Button1/Text1 etc. with the new values.

Make sure to update the Number of Buttons line if you add more buttons.


Re: Importing from .csv

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:24 am
by dsan1326
Good morning thank you Paul.

I will give this a go.